BREAKING: Chiquita Liable!! Read More.

Neung is an environmental lawyer from Chiang Mai, Thailand. After working at a bank when he was younger, Neung left his well-paid position to put his skills to use advocating for the environmental rights of communities across Thailand and the Mekong region. He attended the EarthRights School and later became a Bertha Foundation Legal Fellow, and then Mekong Legal Associate at EarthRights International. Neung has fought against dams on the Salween River near the Myanmar-Thai border and now trains local activists on environmental law and advocates to develop transboundary legal tools to hold corporations accountable for their impacts on communities.

“Our children’s generation, we don’t know what will happen, how the world will change when they grow up. The one thing that we can do now is just keep a good environment, good culture, good relationships to each other.”