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EarthRights International mourns the loss of our colleague Céline Tshizena Tshinate on August 21, 2024. Tshizena was the Advocacy Director of EarthRights’ partner organization African Resources Watch (AFREWATCH) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and played a key role in co-organizing the Congo River School.

We offer our condolences to Tshizena’s family, friends and colleagues and remember and honor her dedication to advocating for the rights of Congolese communities impacted by some of the most exploitative mining and development in the world.

“Celine brought an incredible amount of passion and dedication to her work, whether advocating for human and environmental rights at the highest levels of government or leading a session for frontline defenders on influencing key stakeholders,” said Seán Arthurs, EarthRights Director of Global Education and Training. “She could make everyone around her laugh hysterically, fight fiercely, and work tirelessly. She left us far too soon but left us with so many good memories.”

In honor of Tshizena’s memory, EarthRights reaffirms its commitment to train and empower earth rights defenders who are standing up for their communities in the face of merciless corporate exploitation, environmental, and human rights abuses.