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Washington, D.C., August 1, 2019–Today, a committee from the U.S. House of Representatives will hold a field hearing in Boulder, Colorado to examine Colorado’s road map for clean energy. Katie Redford, Director of EarthRights International, issued the following statement:

“We applaud Rep. Neguse (D-CO) and this bipartisan group of Congressional leaders for their leadership on this issue and for visiting one of the front lines of the climate crisis and those directly affected by it. From destabilized ecosystems, to rising temperatures, to a diminishing snow pack, and more, Colorado is already experiencing the severe effects of climate change, and these impacts will continue to grow worse in the coming decades. With a cadre of known climate change-deniers occupying the White House, it is more vital than ever that other elected officials fill the climate leadership void left by the Trump Administration. Colorado and its local government leaders however, are innovating and leading action to address the climate crisis.

“It is important for Colorado to focus not only on mitigating future greenhouse gas emissions, but also to figure out how to pay for the damages that are being incurred and to hold fossil fuel corporations accountable for the harm they inflict on the state’s taxpayers, communities, and families. We are proud to represent Boulder County, San Miguel County, and the City of Boulder in a lawsuit against two fossil fuel companies to help address this very question.”

Contact: Kate Fried, EarthRights International
(202) 257.0057