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“…My ultimate goal is to see all the people in our community know their own rights, know how to defend for their own rights. Then our community is developed, and our environment is protected. It is my ultimate goal.” –  Shining

Shining, an EarthRights School Mekong alumna, has always been determined to create her own future.  Frustrated by the limitations of traditional gender roles as a young woman, she left her home in Shan State, Myanmar on a ten day journey to Thailand, where she began her life as an activist.  After attending the EarthRights School Mekong, Shining received three master’s degrees in International Development Studies, Sustainable Natural Resources, and Global Politics Management.

She resolved to bring the knowledge she acquired back to her community, and has co-founded two organizations to do so: the Mong Pan Youth Association, which empowers youth to engage in the sustainable development of Myanmar, and Weaving Bonds Across borders, which focuses on leadership development and peace building.  Through the activities of these organizations, Shining works to achieve her goal, and to ensure every individual of her community  has the ability to determine their own future.