Voices from the Tibetan Plateau to the Mekong Delta
Land, Water, Rights is a journey from the source of the Mekong, high on the Tibetan Plateau, to its fertile delta in the south of Vietnam. It tells the stories of sixteen students of the EarthRights School Mekong’s classes of 2010 and 2011. The students come from seven different regions, delving into issues like the forced relocation of Tibetan nomads, potential impacts of planned dams on the river and its tributaries, environmental destruction caused by plantations and much more.
- Holy Water: A Study of Sacred Tibetan Beliefs, by Tsering Drolma
- Impacts of Ecological Reconstruction Projects on Tibetan Nomadic Life in Qinghai, by Skal Bzang Metok
- The Inadequacies of Chinese Overseas Investment Regulations: A Case Study of the Myitsone Dam, Burma, by Zuo Tao
- The Role of Burmese and Kachin Civil Society in the Suspension of the Myitsone Dam, by Kyi Phyo Wai
- World Bank and ASEAN Involvement in Labutta New Town Construction Projects Following Cyclone Nargis, by Naw Grace
- Local Action, Central Policy, and the Law: The Dawei Deep Sea Port and Special Economic Zone, by Myo Aung
- Potential Impacts of the Pak Chom Dam on Local Food Security in Loei Province, Thailand, by Tipakson Manpati
- The Impacts of Chinese Rubber Concessions on Local Livelihoods in Northern Lao PDR: A Case Study of China-Lao Ruifeng Rubber Company in Long District, Luang Namtha Province, by Athu
- The Effects of Elite Recreation Projects on Local Food and Social Security in Vientiane, Lao PDR, by Thepvayha Suksayna
- Impacts on the Water Quality of the Xe Bang Fai River as a Result of the Nam Theun 2 Dam, by Kong Xebangfai
- Livelihood-Related Conflict Surrounding Dam Construction Planning in Xe Pian – Xe Nam Noi, by Sieng Xe Namnoy
- Watering Down the Law: A Legal Analysis of the Proposed Lower Sesan 2 Dam Project, by Panha
- Local People’s Opinions on the Potential Impacts of the Kamchay Dam, by Peou Chansopheakny
- Public Participation in EIA Processes: A Case Study of the Proposed Power Plant at Stung Hav, Sihanoukville, by Khiev Kanal
- Community Involvement in the Decision-Making Process of an ADB Funded Railway Rehabilitation Project, by Leng Sarorn
- Negative Impacts of the Buon Kuop Dam and the Application of the Clean Development Mechanism, by Tran Minh Tai