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Recommendations for advancing climate justice through increased recognition and protection of land and environmental defenders

As the climate crisis worsens, so does the violence against those protecting our environment, including climate-critical forests. To achieve real climate justice, we need to address the situation of those working on the frontlines to demand climate action. Around the world, environmental defenders working on climate justice are increasingly targeted with violence, harassment, and criminalization. Most of these attacks are related to land conflicts involving climate-damaging industries–from deforestation by agribusinesses to mining – yet corporate accountability for such harm is lacking.

In this brief for policymakers attending COP27, EarthRights, Global Witness, Natural Justice, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, CIVICUS, and the International Land Coalition share their recommendations for protecting those on the frontlines of the climate crisis and enabling the diverse, safe, and effective participation of civil society observers during COPs and other international climate negotiations.