EarthRights International mourns the loss of our colleague Richard Ilunga Mukena on September 14, 2024. Ilunga was the Director of the Human Rights Program at EarthRights’ partner organization African Resources Watch (AFREWATCH) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a co-creator of the Congo River School.

We offer our condolences to Ilunga’s family, friends, and colleagues and remember and honor his dedication to working alongside and advocating for the rights of Congolese communities impacted by some of the most exploitative mining and development in the world.

“Richard was a humble pillar of conviction with a smile, commitment, and presence that gave us all strength. We laughed with him about his ‘Yes, it can be done’ response to almost any task or challenge, but we also deeply respected and were inspired by his optimism and dedication,” said Seán Arthurs, EarthRights Director of Global Education and Training. At the close of the first Congo River School, Richard noted that “we have instilled hope in the communities…and we must nurture this hope.” It is now incumbent on us to carry forward this legacy.

In honor of Ilunga’s memory, EarthRights reaffirms its commitment to train and empower earth rights defenders who are standing up for their communities in the face of merciless corporate exploitation, environmental, and human rights abuses.