The True Cost of Chevron Network’s publication, “The True Cost of Chevron: An Alternative Annual Report” published in May of 2009, has been selected for the “Censored 2011”, Project Censored “Most Censored” News Stories of 2009-10 Awards. Hundreds of news stories were nominated this year and our report was chosen to be in the top 25 most important censored news stories of the year. The final ranking of the top 25 stories is made by a panel of international judges and should be announced later today.

A synopsis of our report story will appear in Chapter 1 of the book Censored 2011: Media Democracy in Action, scheduled for release in September from Seven Stories Press. The Project Censored stories go on to receive national attention from the mainstream and alternative/independent press in the United States and abroad, a fitting tribute to the important stories that the mainstream news media chose not to cover this past year.

For the members of the True Cost of Chevron Network, which released the 2010 Chevron Alternative Annual Report in May of 2010, this award will bring renewed attention to critical issues facing local communities: from severe pollution and the loss of livelihoods as a result of Chevron’s oil operations in the Niger Delta, to serious human rights abuses committed by the Burma army protecting Chevron’s Yadana project. In all, the report covers Chevron’s impacts around the U.S., and in over 15 countries around the globe.

The picture of Chevron’s impacts on the planet and local communities, and a corporate culture of profits over people is shocking. It is a story of devastated environments, disregard for concerns of local communities, high-stakes and deceptive lobbying, misleading regulators and policy-makers. Congratulations to all the communities and organizations and especially Antonia Juhasz, editor of the Alternative Annual Report for their tireless work in exposing the true cost of Chevron’s operations around the globe.

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