In Lima, on November 18, 2015, a group of community members of the province of Cajamarca, participated in a press conference titled “Odebrecht and the truth about mega-dams on the Marañon River” convened by the office of Congressman Jorge Cabrera Rimarachin. EarthRights International and Forum Solidaridad Perú accompanied the participants.
The participants were Congressman Jorge Rimarachin, farmworkers Elmer Micha, Jorge Torres and Marine Yacopaico, as well as Guido Peralta Quiroz, an engineer.
Elmer Micha, a local farmer from Santa Luisa de Jecumbuy, explained how their community is negatively affected by not being included in the public hearings and workshops, conducted by the company Odebrecht around the Rio Grande 1and Rio Grande 2 projects. He further emphasized how community members have been criminalized for their opposition to the Rio Grande 1 and Rio Grande 2 projects. Meanwhile, Guido Peralta Quiroz, an engineer from Cajamarca, presented an analysis of the benefits and impacts that Chadin 2, Rio Grande 1 and 2 projects will have on the communities.
Marino Yacopaico, a farmworker from Rembrán, explained that because the directly and indirectly affected communities could not participate in the workshops and hearings about the environmental impact of Chadin 2 dam, the company produced study should invalidated.
Moreover, Marino Yacopaico reported 27 colleagues from the region who have criminal complaints against them, as well as the touristic and productive potential of the Marañón.
The press conference allowed representatives of the communities to present the consequences in their territories as a result of lack of participation in the planning of the hydroelectric projects Chadin 2, Rio Grande 1, and Rio Grande 2.
This post was written by Camila Mariño Venegas, former staff.