This summer, ESCR-Net and NYU Law School’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice launched the Business and Human Rights Documentation Project, or B-HRD (“Be Heard”).  ERI has long been a member of ESCR-Net, and I’m serving on the advisory board for B-HRD, so this is a pretty exciting development.

The new site includes a database of human rights reports related to business and human rights (including ERI’s reports), as well as more detailed information on a few specific campaigns, including a campaign  accountability for private security contractors, which is also a focal point of the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable.

B-HRD also includes a valuable collection of resources for using a variety of tools to combat business-related human rights abuses, including accountability mechanisms ranging from U.S. courts to the OECD Guidelines to the U.N. system.  In recognition of the global impact of business, the site features content in English, Spanish, and French.

Unlike the massive Business & Human Rights Resource Centre site, which is an all-purpose clearinghouse for information relating to business and human rights, the B-HRD site is focused on human rights advocacy.  A growing number of advocates and human rights organizations are working on corporate or business-related human rights issues, and this site begins to bring this community and its resources together.  As corporate accountability is a major part of ERI’s work, we look forward to following, supporting, and contributing to this site in the future.

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