After the two busiest shopping days of the year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, please join us in celebrating #GivingTuesday, one of the world’s fastest growing charitable giving movements. Thousands of charities are participating, but we hope you’ll choose to support EarthRights International, and we’ve given you 20 good reasons below.

First, though, here’s a little background:

EarthRights International protects communities around the world whose lives and livelihoods are put at risk by destructive dams, mines, oil pipelines and other recklessly planned development projects.

Our schools train emerging grassroots leaders to defend their communities from human rights abuses and environmental destruction. Our legal experts train local and indigenous lawyers to challenge unjust practices by corporations and governments in the halls of power and in the court of public opinion.

When all else fails, we stand toe to toe with corporations to hold them accountable for their misconduct. In our 18 year history, we’ve brought some of the world’s largest corporations to court to account for their complicity in forced labor, land grabbing, torture, murder, and other gross human rights and environmental abuses. I’m really proud of the work we do, and am always excited to come to work each day. I hope you’ll be similarly excited to support us today.

20 reasons to support EarthRights International this #GivingTuesday . . .

  1. Because “the environment is man’s first right”, according to Ken Saro Wiwa, a Nigerian poet and activist who was tortured and executed in 1995. We represented his family members in their case against Shell for the deaths of Saro Wiwa and eight others.
  2. Because you know the difference between corporations & real people, and want to support an organization that is standing up to corporate power.
  3. Because local leaders can make a global impact, and we train community leaders in the Amazon and Southeast Asia to protect their own lives and livelihoods.
  4. Because indigenous rights are human rights, and we help indigenous groups bring their human rights cases to court.
  5. Because after Black Friday & Cyber Monday, GIVING feels good. Isn’t the holiday season supposed to be about giving?
  6. Because the environment doesn’t care about political borders. When pollution, dams, and highways cause environmental impacts across national borders, we bring local groups together on cross-border advocacy campaigns.
  7. Because 88% of US households donate to charity each year. Is it your turn?
  8. Because human rights are universal, and we stand up for survivors of human rights abuses all over the world.
  9. Because we’ll thank you by name in our next newsletter!
  10. Because we are shifting power from corporations to people.
  11. Because ‘tis better to give than to receive!
  12. Because Myanmar’s future is wide open. In a time of rapid political change, Myanmar needs a thriving civil society with a strong network of lawyers and advocates
  13. Because we have a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator! That means we run a tight ship and maximize the impact of your donation.
  14. Because the Amazon & its people must be protected.
  15. Because human rights law requires human rights lawyers. We advocate for stronger human rights mechanisms at the policy level, and ensure their application in the court room.
  16. Because laws should protect people, not profit.
  17. Because we hold corporations accountable for their role in human rights abuses around the world.
  18. Because your support is vital to our work! 
  19. Because the day is almost over! Thanks to all who’ve donated so far!
  20. Because every survivor of human rights abuses deserves justice!

Convinced? Then make a donation!

Can’t afford to give this year?

That’s OK! You can still support our work by following us on Twitter and retweeting our tweets, by Liking our Facebook page and sharing it with your friends, and by signing up for our newsletter. You can even register for our book giveaway — the winner will be selected on December 10th, International Human Rights Day!

Thanks, as always, for all your support!

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