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Donor-Advised Funds

It will take all of us to protect our earth rights. Join the movement and donate through a Donor-Advised Fund today.

What is a DAF?
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individual, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some case, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.

If you or your family has a donor-advised fund with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can visit this site to easily make a gift to EarthRights through your fund.

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds

A creative way to contribute to EarthRights is by donating extra stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, regardless of their value. By donating stock held longer than one year, you avoid paying capital gains tax, and you are eligible to receive a charitable contribution deduction equal to the mean value of the stock the day it is transferred.

In advance of your potential contribution to EarthRights, please feel free to contact our Development Team at or 202-466-5188 to discuss your giving options or to learn more about our work to protect people and the environment.

Planned Giving

“Planned giving” or “legacy giving” through your will or other financial instrument is a way to give that helps ensure that EarthRights’ mission to protect people and the environment continues into the future. With a bit of thoughtful consideration and planning, you can make a contribution to EarthRights that not only provides us with a stable, long-term source of support but that can also offer benefits to you and your loved ones. Consider building a charitable purpose into your overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals as a way to:

  • Make a larger gift than you may have thought possible while maintaining your current living standard.
  • Make gifts that actually “give back”, potentially providing extra income in retirement years or to meet the needs of loved ones.
  • Add meaning to your gift by making it in honor of a special friend or loved one as a way to support the causes they believe in for years to come.

Below are some of the planned giving options available to you. To learn more, contact your financial or tax advisor, attorney, or our Development Team at who can also explain how your gift will be used to support our work.

Declare EarthRights International through a bequest in your will:

To name EarthRights through a bequest, please use our official name “EarthRights International, Inc” and our Federal Tax-ID #: 04-3265555. Use the following sample language to designate ERI as a beneficiary in your will:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to EarthRights International, Inc. with offices at 1612 K St NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20006, Federal tax ID number 04-3265555, or its successors in interest, the sum of $ ___ for its most urgent needs as determined by its Board of Directors.”

You may also add a bequest through a codicil, a separate document consisting of an amendment to an existing will. All charitable bequests are fully deductible from your gross estate, and may significantly reduce taxes on the balance of your estate.

Declare EarthRights International in your 401(k) or retirement plan:

Another easy way to make a legacy donation is through your retirement plan. In exchange for your contribution, you may receive an immediate income tax deduction, reduction in capital gains, or other potential benefit.

Charitable Gift Annuities:

A charitable gift annuity allows you to pay a fixed amount to EarthRights for life, or for a number of years, depending on your preference. You may then transfer the income-producing assets to loved ones and greatly reduce your gift and estate taxes. The annuity provides a fixed, guaranteed income to you, and/or your beneficiary if you choose to allocate one. The older you are at the time of your gift, the higher your rate of return. Your beneficiary receives all income-producing assets, and after your lifetime, the remaining principal becomes a gift to EarthRights. The income generated from the annuity could be partially tax-free, and if you contribute appreciated securities you may be able to avoid capital gains tax.

The information above is given as indicative of how these various planned giving instruments function, and should not be considered legal or tax advice.

To learn more about EarthRights and how your gift impacts communities around the world, please contact: Kayla Eaton, Development Communications Coordinator at